This time we are happy to announce the
official release of our album 2022 H.E.L.E.N. on August 15th

H.E.L.E.N. for Human Extension through Linear Extrapolation of Nature develops a classic theme of science fiction, the exodus of humanity into space. This scenario is perfectly in keeping with the duo’s 80’s culture and the space visuals regularly associated with electro concepts. It offers the challenge of being able to develop the evolution of the protagonists’ feelings between the alarmist and definitive observation of the end of civilisation and the arrival on a virgin planet where everything can start again (Nephilion).
Although the story is totally fictional, one cannot help but identify a resonance with current events. The ecological problems, the health situation, the conflicts in the East, the progress in the field of space… However, it is by no means a moral work, even if it is based on deep foundations that can invite reflection. The works that inspired this concept give our duo a rather positive feeling.
Yet the health crisis inevitably influenced the album. Of course there was the uncertainty that accompanied the beginning of the pandemic. But above all, the confinement forced the duo to work at a distance, which led to a work based on virtual instruments allowing each of them to work on their own… And this choice marks a radical change in an approach initially based on physical instrumentation (hardware).
En attendant de retrouver notre album sur vos plateformes de streaming préférées, vous pouvez déjà retrouver nos morceaux en exclusivité sur notre chaîne YouTube et notre compte BandCamp.